Malentonadx somos individualidades afines que, desde la necesidad de
organizarnos, surgió a partir del contexto de encierro que atraviesan
Tiara y Brandy; amigxs y compañerxs antiautoritarios. En este camino
vemos importante nombrar y visibilizar un sin fin de violencias que
atraviesan las personas privadas de su libertad.
Presentamos el fanzine «Narrativas desde el encierro». Escrito por
compañerxs que sobreviven el encierro tras las rejas, también participan
individualidades que acompañan procesos de familiares o compañerxs en
El ejercicio de la palabra – en este caso la palabra escrita- viene a
partir de muchos matices, en particular para comunicarse con el interior
y con el exterior.
Algunas de las herramientas que ha ocupado el sistema penitenciario
(desde la reforma a la prisión) han sido la despersonalización y el
aislamiento como medidas intrínsecas del castigo. Herramientas que
cumplen con un doble objetivo: control que pretende ser absoluto sobre
lxs presxs y comodidad a las sociedades sobre no saber nada de lo que
ocurre dentro de estas, pretendiendo así una falsa seguridad social.
Externar estos escritos tiene que ver con darle el justo espacio y
respeto al trabajo de resistencia que lxs compañerxs han impulsado.
Asimismo, buscamos romper los muros del silencio hacia lxs que estamos
en la calle.
«los muros de las prisiones, aparte de evitar que los presos huyésemos
servían sobre todo para que nadie viese lo que sucedía tras ellas» –
Xosé Tarrío
Malentonadx we are like-minded individuals who, from the need to organize
organization, arose from the context of confinement that
Tiara and Brandy; friends and anti-authoritarian comrades. In this way
We believe it is important to name and make visible the endless violence that people deprived of their
people deprived of their freedom go through.
We present the fanzine «Narratives from the confinement». Written by
written by comrades who survive confinement behind bars, also participating are individuals who
individuals who accompany processes of family members or comrades in prison.
The exercise of the word – in this case the written word – comes from many nuances, particularly
many nuances, in particular to communicate with the inside and the outside.
and with the outside.
Some of the tools that the prison system has employed
(since prison reform) have been depersonalization and isolation as intrinsic measures of punishment.
isolation as intrinsic measures of punishment. Tools that
tools that fulfill a double objective: control that pretends to be absolute over the prisoners and comfort
control over the prisoners and comfort to the societies about not knowing anything of what happens inside them, pretending in this way to
what happens inside them, thus pretending a false social security.
To externalize these writings has to do with giving the right space and respect to the work of resistance that lx
respect to the work of resistance that the comrades have promoted.
Likewise, we seek to break the walls of silence towards those of us who are on the street.
in the street.
«The walls of the prisons, apart from preventing the prisoners from fleeing, served above all so that no one could escape.
served above all so that no one could see what was going on behind them» – Xosé Tarrío.